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FEATURED PUBLICATION: A Market That Pays Extra For Online Stories

By Roberta Beach Jacobson

If you enjoy traveling to the U.S. Northwest (or if you happen to live there), you should know about two bi-monthly publications focused on that region that are open to freelance article and photo submissions — Northwest Travel and Oregon Coast.

For Northwest Travel, the “Northwest” means: Washington, Oregon, Idaho, western Montana, British Columbia, Canada (and they occasionally use a story on Alaska).  Articles cover everything from museums to rodeos and big cities to forests. The guidelines ask for photography that is “superb.”

Some stories focus on “places to visit” – which might include special events, weekend getaways, community profiles, restaurant features (1000 words, $225), photo essays, (or any one of the additional suggestions listed in the Writer’s Guidelines).

“Travel adventures” can include articles about horseback riding, fishing, rock climbing, hot air ballooning, (or, again, any one of the additional subjects the Guidelines include).

Regular features run 600 to 1250 words, special features 1250 to 2500 words, and regional roundups 2500 to 3000 words. They also run shorties, called “Worth a Stop” (250 to 500 words).

Oregon Coast “brings you the beauty and grandeur of America’s most beautiful coastline.” The publication covers lighthouses, city profiles and outdoor destinations. General interest stories include walking tours, beachcombing, and first-person adventures. Plus, the editors believe people are as important as the scenery and include profiles of notable coastal residents as well. (You’ll find additional article ideas in the Writer’s Guidelines, too.)

Article rates are $50 to $650. For photos, they’ll pay you $425 for a cover photo, $100 a page for an internal photo, and less for smaller shots. They print annual calendars, too (and slides are required) and payment is $100 per photo used.

You’ll find a goldmine of information about these magazines (also about their Regional Travel Guides!) at the main website http://www.northwestmagazines.com.

And that brings me to good news: Some of the magazines’ content appears on that website — but before the editors post anything, they will contact you to negotiate additional payment for any of your work featured online.

To submit a story, send it both electronically and with a hard-copy manuscript, earmarking it for the publication you’re targeting — Northwest Travel or Oregon Coast. Contributors get five copies of the issue in which their work appears (along with payment, of course).

Alicia Spooner is the editor of these two titles and Kris Arbiso is the assistant editor. You can reach them at: editorial@northwestmagazines.com.

Northwest Regional Magazines (which produces both publications) is located at 4969 Highway 101 N., Suite 2, Florence, OR 97439.

You’ll find detailed guidelines for both writers and photographers — be sure to read them thoroughly before you submit anything — at http://www.northwestmagazines.com/guidlin.html

[Editor’s Note: Learn more about opportunities to profit from your travels (and even from your own home) in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.]


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