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International Living Magazine Wants Your Photos and Short Travel Articles

International Living Magazine wants your photos.  Their “Window on the World” section lives toward the back of each issue and is one of the first things read by those of us who read magazines from back to front.
(Note: More than half of all magazine readers read back to front instead of front to back I’ve been told by advertising companies.  That’s why most magazines are full of ads in the back.)
If you have any photos to sell, see below for what they’re looking for…
International Living is always in the market for great photos for their Window on the World section.
And several of your fellow readers have been published there already. Here are a few examples:
Hauke Steinberg
J. Keith Howie
Lucy Brown
Bonnie Caton
Off-the-beaten-track attractions, festivals, events, daily life as it’s lived anywhere in the world are all things they like to feature. These are not the sort of places a mainstream traveler finds out about with any standard-issue web search. IL’s mission is to give their readers an inside track. A peek into another culture, society, or way of life.
With your photo, you should describe the place, your experience of it, and what makes it special (in other words, why you’re recommending it) in 350 to 400 words and send to editor@internationalliving.com.
Remember that the destination you’re writing about must be outside the U.S. and you must have available a high-resolution image.
Be sure to include:
* Your photo
* Your short piece describing the photo.
* Contact details that include operating hours, how to get there, etc.
They pay $90 and up if your photo-article package is selected for publication.
If the idea of selling photos and stories about the things you see and do on your vacations excites you, you might try International Living first. It’s a great way to get a by-line and a good start. (And they don’t care if you’ve been published before or not.)
[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]


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