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Jeff Wood, CEO Of aiMatch, On Being A Sell-Side Ad Serving Yield Management Platform, Simulation-Based Forecasting, Data Visualization & Recent Deal With CyberWing Japan

Jeff Wood on aiMatch, its presence in the Australian and wider APAC region and its sell-side ad serving platform for display, mobile, video, IPTV, and newsletters.
He talks about how aimatch helps publishers address channel conflict by providing a comprehensive view into inventory consumption patterns giving publishers the insight needed to optimize allocation of their inventory to maximize revenue while discussing how publishers use their Simulation-Based Forecasting to identify new revenue channels.
Wood discusses how aiMatch has developed strong relationships with publishers in Australia and the wider APAC region. You can also read about their recent deal with CyberWing in Japan.
Can you give a quick overview of the aiMatch offering?
aiMatch is at heart a technology company comprised of industry veterans with deep roots in the digital advertising space. We built the Accipiter ad server, which was later acquired by Atlas and then Microsoft. Our offering doesn’t really fit into any one of the buckets you mention.  We offer a sell side ad serving platform for display, mobile, video, IPTV, newsletters, or any digital channel.  Our platform incorporates sales workflow, business intelligence, simulation-based forecasting, and directly ties to demand sources.  This comprehensive approach provides publishers with the insight and control they need in order to manage yield across all of their inventory.

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