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Reader success: Photos selling in five agencies!

Last issue, we talked about finding your stock photo style.
Breakfast Stock Club reader Lynne Albright has been busy experimenting, uploading stock photos, and finding her own style. She uses the Breakfast Stock Club Premium Challenges as a jumping-off point.
Here are three of her photos that are selling as stock:

And it’s paying off — Lynne now has 480 total photos accepted across five different agencies. Her best sales, she says, are with iStock and Dreamstime.
Read her interview, below, to see how she got started, and get a few of her top tips for kick-starting your own success.
— Bonnie
Bonnie Caton
Creator, Breakfast Stock Club
The First Steps to Stock Photo Success
Interview with Breakfast Stock Club Reader Lynne Albright
BONNIE: How did it go when you first submitted to an agency, and how are you doing now?
LYNNE: Starting out, it was rocky at first until I got a better sense of what the agencies were looking for. Also, it took me a while to learn to handle my camera and adjust studio lights.
I tried many “concept” shots. Some were successful, many were not. Working with the Breakfast Stock Club has steered me to more successful themes and suggested even more as I work through the program. Almost everything gets accepted now and sales are starting to pick up.
BONNIE: That’s great to hear! Now that you’re up and running, what would you say is your favorite thing about shooting photos for stock?
LYNNE: This will echo what so many say, but it has to be FREEDOM!! Aside from our monthly Breakfast Stock Club Premium Challenge themes, I can assign myself anything I choose and have tons of fun setting it up and shooting. Hours fly by when I’m working, whether it’s shooting, processing (I love Lightroom, which you suggested) or submitting.
It doesn’t feel like work. It’s more like playing without any guilt.
BONNIE: Where would you like to go from here?
LYNNE: I just want to keep building my portfolio with the end goal being a nice independent income that just keeps multiplying as I continue to shoot and submit.
My next goal is to investigate using models in my area — possibly college students at a nearby school initially to defray costs.
BONNIE: Do you have any tips for people who are getting ready to give it a try for the first time?
LYNNE: The best tip for those contemplating it for the first time is “jump in with both feet” to the AWAI programs. You can’t go wrong studying with professionals who care about you and it will be a lot of fun and profit when you stop being scared or tentative and start doing! Gaining the confidence to get out of your comfort zone is a lot easier when someone is standing by you, guiding and challenging your efforts.
BONNIE: Thanks, Lynne!
[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]
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**From Kelly Krajacic Fujikawa: I did a rehearsal today for my entry in the Premium Night Photography photo challenge. I chose the props and the composition. Tomorrow my husband will cook the dinner and I’ll get the shot in just under the wire for the new deadline! J Thanks, Breakfast StockClub for these challenges. It’s really helping us practice new skills!
**From Caroline Maryan: My entry for this months’ Premium Challenge is online at Dreamstime! I think I’m catching onto this…!
**From Danny Warren: Night photography is a good niche in stock. I’ve sold 3 night shots already today, and I haven’t even finished breakfast yet


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