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How A Unique Perspective Can Help Sell Stock Photos

You share 99.9% of your genes with every other human being on the planet.
What are you doing with the 0.1% that makes you… you?
If you want to take highly saleable stock photos, of course it’s a good idea to look at photos that sell well. You’ll ultimately make your photos more saleable by noticing what other photographers do right.
…the most powerful photography tool you possess is right inside of you. You were born with it. It’s that 0.1% — your own unique perspective.
This month’s Breakfast Stock Club Premium Challenge theme is “Perspective,” and here’s why I’m really excited about it…
Whether you’re a Breakfast Stock Club Premium Member or not, finding a way to make your photography stand out from the pack is one of the single most important things you can do for your stock photo success.
To see what I mean, here’s an excerpt from this month’s BSC Premium Challenge Roadmap, written by stock photographer Danny Warren…
A unique perspective can help sell stock photos for these reasons:

  • It catches the eye.Photographs with a different perspective can be more interesting and subtly draw a potential buyer’s eye as he or she quickly browses through thumbnail images in search of a target.
  • It emphasizes the subject.Shallow depth of field and composition techniques help draw the eye to the important parts of the image and simultaneously minimize distraction. This is a key to many highly successful stock images.
  • It sets your image apart.We are being lazy if we think it’s all been done. Changing your perspective lets you put a new spin on old ideas that are proven sellers.
  • It increases your number of saleable images.Learning to see things from different angles will allow you to capture more distinct images from the same photo shoot. This means more options for designers and thus more sales per shoot.
  • It boosts your creativity. Thinking outside the box can be a slippery slope and that’s a good thing here. Forcing yourself to work a shot more and explore different vantages only becomes more natural with time — often leading to results that may surprise you!

[Note: For tips on how to add your own unique perspective into your photos in a way that makes them more saleable… plus, lots of examples of photos that do this well, Premium Members can refer to the Breakfast Stock Club Premium Roadmap on their member page.]
This week, each time you lift your camera, think about how you can work the shot and really make your photos stand out from the pack by adding your own unique perspective.
Your Weekly Breakfast Dish
The Latest from Your Breakfast StockClub Facebook Page

From Theresa St John: Just bought my airline ticket to Miami! Coming soon! Cannot wait to see everyone in April!
Yeah! Can’t wait to see you there, Theresa!
From Marianne Campolongo:After adding very few new images to Shutterstock last year, I uploaded 5 new backgrounds, all accepted today and one sold already. I really enjoy experimenting with different layers and textures and they seem to do very well there.
From Katrina Elena Trninich: It took awhile, but finally got my first paycheck from Fotolia.
[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel. Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]


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