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How to Land Free Cruises … No Clowning Around

So I may not be part of the Royal Family, but as Tréci “Princess the Clown,” I feel like royalty when I cruise for free.

In addition, I get to make someone else feel like a “Prince” or “Princess” when I bring him or her along as my FREE guest!  

You may wonder how I found such a deal fit for a king…  

Well, I just happened to overhear a cruise entertainer talking about why she didn’t want to do it. I couldn’t see any reason not to take advantage of the cruise line’s need for part-time guest “Edutainment” (educators, speakers, and entertainment). My husband had just been laid off at work, so until this opportunity, a cruise was not in our “pauper” budget.  

The previous year, I’d started my business as “Princess the Clown.” I specialize in professional face-painting and balloon sculptures. My daughters trained with me, and my husband joined in doing balloons and photos.

It was the first year the cruise line hired a clown as staff. While this was not a paid position, my reward was my (and my guest’s) free cruise (like the barter system).

Ten years later… we are still cruising for free, trying to do at least one or two cruises a year!  

My family and I have made lifelong friends, swam with stingrays, snorkeled in crystal-clear water, shopped till we dropped, eaten food fit for a “princess,” had countless memorable adventures (including a tree frog jumping on my head!), and we’ve been treated like royalty by the ship staff on every cruise.

The face-painting went over so well that the cruise line added balloon artists. My favorite cruise was last year when my husband and I cruised as staff, and we each brought one of our daughters as our free guests!

Even though my husband got his job back, we still cruise for free. We plan on going on a cruise to Greece next year!  

So, if you love to cruise (or think you would), enjoy using your talents to meet new people, would like to be a part of the “inside workings” of the crew while also being spoiled like royalty, sailing anywhere your heart desires… you shouldn’t pass up this great travel opportunity.  

If you love seeing new places, eating fabulous food, relaxing in the ship library or on deck, seeing Broadway-style productions and much, much more…you should join my “Royal Family” and try out cruising for free!

[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]


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