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Count More, Sell More...How to Use Numbers to your Advantage


  • Count More, Sell More: How to Use Numbers to Your Advantage
  • More Opportunities and Resources for Writers

Dear Reader,

Have you stood in line at a grocery checkout lately? Have you seen these things? “7 Ways to Make Him Ache for You,” on the cover of Cosmopolitan, “10 Common Walking Problems Solved,” on the cover of Prevention, “The 25 Worst Sequels of All Time,” on the cover of Entertainment Weekly. It’s all but impossible these days to find a publication without numbers splashed across the front. Jen Stevens, author of our travel writer course says there’s a lesson there for you. Read on below for her advice about how you can turn this trend into a quick byline and check.

If you’ve had an article published lately — particularly if it was numbers-driven — send me a quick note at lori@thetravelwriterslife.com and tell me how you came up with the idea and who published it. I’d love to feature you in an upcoming e-letter.

Lori Appling
Director, Great Escape Publishing

P.S. I’ll be in Bermuda most of next week with Rich Wagner, B. Howard, and Steenie Harvey. It’s our last guidebook writing and photography workshop of the year. Since we won’t be doing these again for a very long time (at least another year or so), I’ll be sure to take good notes and pass you as many new tips as I can. Until then, have a great weekend.

By Freelance Writer, Jennifer Stevens in Colorado Springs, CO

Sally up to any newsstand display, and I guarantee that the one thing nearly every magazine cover will have in common — no matter how niche the publication’s subject matter might be — is numbers. Like these — “Family Travel: 22 Places Perfect for All Ages,” Conde Nast Traveler, March 2006 “Get More Energy: 10 Simple Ways to Boost it, Keep it and Feel Great All Day Long,” Shape, March 2006 “Nine Signs of a Crooked Contractor,” This Old House, March 2006 “12 Mistakes that Can Sink Your Book Proposal,” Writer’s Digest, March 2006 “How to Save Five Shots,’ Golf Digest, April 2006… you get the idea…

*** What Numbers Where? On February 10, 2006, The New York Times ran an article about this very phenomenon, gleaning several lessons from the covers they examined and the editors they talked to —

** 1) Teaser numbers are getting bigger and bigger — particularly in the beauty and fashion niche. “Size matters,” as one editor put it. It used to be that 101 ways to do anything was impressive enough, But these days, editors are reaching well beyond that — as in Marie Claire’s “1,157 hot looks (all shapes, all sizes, all prices).”

** 2) Odd numbers seem more believable than even numbers — 7 is particularly appealing, and editors avoid unlucky 13. ** 3) The subject matter often dictates the size of the number — for “positive” things, a big number is better, like “53 Great European Hotels for Under $100 a Night,” but for “negatives” or things that take work, a lower number is better. In other words, “5 Tummy-Busting Exercises” is stronger than “35 Tummy-Busting Exercises.” What’s it mean for you? *** How to Frame Your Own Numbers-Driven Articles Most important: These numbers-driven, round-up articles sell. And sell. And sell. They offer you a smart way to frame — and pitch — your story ideas.

If you’re inclined to describe an article you’re writing as a “weekend getaway foodie piece,” resist the urge. The editor you’re approaching may respond more positively if you call it, instead, “Seven Ways to Eat Your Way through Baltimore this Weekend.” No matter what you’re interested in writing about, step back for a moment and think about one or two “numbers-driven” angles you could take. For example…

… say you’re planning to spend your Saturday exploring a little town within an hour’s drive of home. You’ll do a bit of antiquing, eat lunch out, maybe grab a snack at a bakery in the afternoon or duck into a bar for a drink. You’ll stroll. If you have the kids along, you’ll likely include an activity or two for them, as well.

And as your day unfolds, you should be counting. What I mean is: Look for numbers in every place you go.

Take the antique shops. How many of them are there? How many of them do you like or would you recommend (and why)? You could do a piece for your local paper called “Anytown’s Quirky Finds: 5 Must-Visit Havens for Antique Lovers.” And then you write a two- or three-paragraph introduction, describe the five places, give some sample items from each with pricing, and you’re done.

Or consider the kids’ angle. You could call your piece something like, “A Day Out in Anytown: 7 Thrills for Kids that Will Leave You Happy, Too.” And then you proceed to outline the day you just spent.

Perhaps it looked a bit like a recent excursion of mine to Pueblo, CO did, with a trip to the Children’s Museum — hands-on art projects

(1) and a build-your-own cabin with what amounted to four-foot-long Lincoln Logs

(2), then a walk to have lunch, passing en route a fountain for frolicking in

(3), lunch at a little café that serves great homemade mac-n-cheese

(4), cookies for dessert, picked from behind the glass case in a great little bakery

(5), a $3 ride on a river boat with commentary about local history

(6), and a game of “find the hidden animal sculptures” along the river’s banks

(7) as we headed back toward the museum parking lot to pile into the car for our ride home.

The message? No matter where you go, think about ways you can integrate numbers into your articles. It’s an easy — and tidy — way to define a story. And it’s a way that’s proven to sell.


*** The Right Way to Use “Rights” — So You Can Sell Your Article Again and Again

*** Editors Buy Practical Advice: Sell Your Insights on the Art of Travel

*** Five Opportunities for a Quick By-line and Check.

 [Editor’s Note: Learn more about opportunities to profit from your travels (and even from your own home) in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.]


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