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Special Report: How to Fund Your Travels - Day 4


This past weekend at our Lucrative Traveler’s Conference, we heard lots of success stories from people who, today, make a living traveling the world. They write articles and snap pictures and shop overseas for wares to sell back home.

But you know, an interesting thread runs through their stories: Almost to the last, these folks who are so successful today fell into this sort of work. It was accidental.

Take Reece Guth. Today he exports pottery from Nicaragua and sells it in the States. It’s a $100,000-a-year business. Yet it all started when he was in Nicaragua to take photos of a new resort development along the coast. His contact learned he’d been a potter and insisted they go to this little town (literally, not on the map), famous for its pottery.

Reece was so impressed by the workmanship and products he saw there, he thought, “I could sell these at home.” And he has — with increasing success each year.

But, as he’ll be the first to admit: He made some mistakes up front — mistakes that cost him time and money.

That’s what happens when you start a business almost by chance. You haven’t invested lots of energy educating yourself about it… you just dive in. That’s great on the one hand (you have to start somewhere, after all), but it has its downside.

And Reece isn’t the only one who laments those early weeks, months (and sometimes years). All of our expert speakers said more-or-less the same thing: “What I wouldn’t have done for a program like this.”

Indeed, that’s really why we put it together. Because we knew two things to be true —

(1) By combining travel writing, photography, and import-export you could create a life rich with travel and bring in six figures a year…

But also, we knew that (2) you’d likely make rookie mistakes getting started, avoidable missteps that could cost you hundreds — if not thousands — of dollars and an untold number of hours (plus frustrate and discourage you, too).

So with this Lucrative Traveler’s program, we set out to create a road map, a practical guide that would show you the fastest and surest route from amateur to pro — so you could be making more money, faster, and enjoying the freedom and perks of this lifestyle sooner than you ever imagined possible.

We designed it to point out the pitfalls you need to avoid and steer you toward the activities that will produce the most bang for your buck.

In practice, what we did was fly in from points all over the globe a collection of really savvy, successful folks — travel writers, photographers, import-exporters, and people who do all three — and we had them share the lessons they wish they’d learned early on.

Here in Fort Lauderdale, we’ve had the pleasure of spending a long weekend in the company of these generous and approachable people. But just because you couldn’t be here with us doesn’t mean you have to miss out.

With our Lucrative Traveler’s Toolkit, you can gain all the secrets, techniques, and tips these experts shared — but from the comfort of your favorite chair. Important ideas that will shave years off your learning curve and spare you innumerable set-backs.

[EDITOR’S NOTE: This product is no longer available.  Please check out our available products here: http://www.thetravelwriterslife.com/catalog/]

One of our speakers here, Gary Scott (who, with his wife Merri, brings in 7 figures a year), highlighted the importance of creating multiple income streams for yourself…

And really, that’s exactly what the Toolkit shows you how to do. When you combine travel writing with photography and import-export, you’ll find that you’re exponentially expanding your income potential — but not your workload.

You see, the skills you employ to practice one endeavor overlap (often a lot) with the skills you need for the other two.

And so you can easily turn what might have been a one-paycheck trip into a three-paycheck windfall. And it won’t take you three-times the work.

Really, it’s simply a matter of transforming habits you probably already have — taking notes about what you see and do, snapping photos, picking up souvenirs — into real, money-making skills. Skills that can provide you a six-figure income and a lifetime of travel. And that’s precisely what our Toolkit shows you how to do.

Now, the attendees with me here in Florida are paying as much as $2,397 to be here with the experts in person. But you can gain the same works-in-the-real-world advice to launch your own six-figure travel business for about one-tenth the cost — gain all the same hard-won techniques, tips, and secrets from our savvy panel of experts — and you get them right there at home.

Wishing you good (and profitable) travels,

Lori Appling
Director, Great Escape Publishing

[Editor’s Note: Learn more about opportunities to profit from your travels (and even from your own home) in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.]


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