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I Asked for a Bed in Our Meeting Room

It’s fun to know that we’re the first company in Marriott history to ever ask for a bed in one of their conference rooms.
I can only imagine what they thought we might be doing with it.  (I sensed they were relieved to hear that we’re using it for one of our studio shoots.  The bed is going to set the scene for one of our models to look like he’s having trouble sleeping).
Health issues like sleeplessness, anxiety, headaches, backaches, and arthritis are going to be popular themes to photograph in our conference-room-turned-photo-studio at the Ultimate Photography Workshop in Austin next week.
Attendees can pick which scenes they want to photograph and our instructors will be on hand to help them shoot the pictures, edit them in Photoshop, and upload them to microstock agencies that will sell them while the attendee gets back to photographing their next adventure.
We’ve got a lot going on at this workshop. So much, in fact, that I’m having trouble sleeping, just trying to get everything in order.
If you’re going to miss us in Austin, you’ll find a copy of our schedule here: http://www.thephotographerslife.com/austin_photo_workshop_schedule/
I’m not posting it there to show you what you’re missing.  I just figured I’d put it up in case there’s a session or two you want to listen to from home.
For the first time ever we’ll be recording this event.  Never before have we offered recordings from one of our live photography workshops and I’m not sure we ever will again — now that I know how much work is involved in doing it.
It’s a big project because we’ve got so many different presenters and so many sessions going on at the same time.  The recordings won’t include the studio shoots, the photo reviews, or the Photoshop labs — because those are way too interactive and personal to catch on tape.
But they will include everything else — from Alicia Noack’s presentation on selling photographs to in-flight magazines to Shelly Perry and Lise Gagne’s presentations on shooting for stock.
You’ll find the schedule here if you want to take a look: http://www.thephotographerslife.com/austin_photo_workshop_schedule/
Next week, in lieu or our regularly-scheduled weekly posts, I’ve asked Bonnie Caton, who will be attending the workshop with us in Austin, to report back to you each day with the best tip she picks up.
Stay tuned.  And in the meantime, don’t forget to scroll down to today’s writing prompt for more ideas on what to write in the coming months.
Lori Allen
Director, Great Escape Publishing
If you love to travel and you love to eat, you’re definitely not alone.  It seems no matter what kinds of travel magazines you pick up today — whether they focus on high-priced luxury resorts or cater to the shoestring traveler — they almost always have one thing in common: food.
Take October 2007’s Conde Nast Traveler… they ran an article about finding ancient savory delights in Shanghai.
Or pick up National Geographic Traveler from the same month… they ran a story about American truck stop eats like cornbread and chicken fried steak.
Since this coming March is the food issue month for Travel Post Monthly (and the deadline for submission is February 15 — less than a month away) why not grab a pen and paper, head out on the town, and start crafting an article about food?
Here are a few ideas to try:
** Unusual Eats — Does your town have a typical dish that you can’t find anywhere else?  How about a restaurant with a fun decorative theme inside?  You could write up a quick review for Travel Post Monthly, or another magazine.  While you’re eating, don’t forget to take note of the prices, the service, the atmosphere, and the hours they’re open.  And grab a few photos of your dish before you dig in.
** Budget Fare — You could make a great round-up article out of your favorite budget places to eat… or write about a hidden hole-in-the-wall with great food and small prices.
** Romantic Dining — Valentine’s Day is coming up and though it’s probably too late to write an article about romantic dining in time for February this year, you can still take the opportunity to scope out some prime date spots and write it up for next year.
Also: don’t forget about “foreign delicacies.”  Did you get treated to a family meal in a foreign country?  What about coffee?  Tea?  Sweets?
If you do write up a food story and you’d like to submit it for publication in Travel Post Monthly, be sure to read the writer’s guidelines, and send the full manuscript to one of the department emails listed on the page.  You’ll find it here: http://www.travelpostmonthly.com/writers_guidelines
READER FEEDBACK: Reader takes Shelly’s advice… thinks outside the box.
A couple of weeks ago, Shelly Perry wrote a piece, which essentially said to get out of the box and try something new to re-energize yourself.  And so I did.
The oil in my car was due for a change so while I waited I took all kinds of funky pictures in the automobile showroom.  I LOVED IT!  People would come up and ask me what I was doing and I found myself in some very interesting conversations with one person quizzing me about taking pictures of his prized Pug!  I had to laugh!  I did not agree to take the pictures but it seems there are all sorts of opportunities available if someone wants to pursue them.
The 45 minutes I spent that day taking pictures of headlights, fancy paint, reflections and hubcaps was something I would not have done had it not been for Shelly’s article.  I hope she will be in Austin so I can thank her personally.
Did not mean to prattle on so!
Thanks again for the list.  It was helpful.
See you soon.
Diane S.
[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]


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