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July Photo Challenge Theme: Wet 'N Wild!

Temperatures are rising, so get out the sunscreen and hit the pool, river, lake, ocean or heck, even the sprinklers. Whatever cools you off. While you’re at it, get out your camera and grab some aquatic action shots for this month’s Photo Challenge theme: Wet ‘N Wild.
If you’re shooting outdoors in the bright sun, pay close attention to your exposure.
And, of course, keep your camera safely out of water’s way so you don’t have to submerge it in rice (more on how to save wet electronics here).
Acceptable photo entries include:
Kids (or adults) splashing and having fun at the pool:
Wet 'N Wild
Running and jumping in the sprinklers:

Wet and wild pets:

… and any other well-composed, theme-appropriate summertime water shots (so long as they’re clean and decent, of course).
And don’t forget about composition (like the Rule of Thirds), focus, cropping, and exposure.
To enter, send us your ONE best theme-appropriate photo. Multiple entries from the same photographer will be deleted before judging.
Submissions for July’s Photo Challenge are due by 8 a.m. EDT on Monday, July 27, 2009. You can submit your photos by clicking on the “This Month’s Theme – Enter to Win!” link on the right side bar of this page.
[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]


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