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Editing Portraits in Adobe Lightroom

Last week, as part of our “Make More, Work Less” series, we heard from reader and stock photographer Kathy Burns-Millyard on how she takes a single photo and sells it over and over again on multiple stock photo websites for extra income. If you missed that issue, you’ll find it in our e-letter archives, here.
Stock photographers post-process all of their photos before selling them. It’s not hard. It just takes a little know-how and practice.
So today, I’ve pulled a little video clip from our archives that talks you through some common tricks for editing portraits in Adobe Lightroom.
Sit back and watch as professional photographer Rich Wagner shows you just how fast and easy editing portraits in Adobe Lightroom can be. He’ll brighten a person’s eyes, whiten teeth, remove wrinkles, prepare a photo for sale in a magazine, and more, all in less than four minutes.
You’ll find this free video of quick tips for editing portraits in Adobe Lightroom on our website, here.
Note: Rich made this video before our Ultimate Money-Making Photo Workshop last March in New Orleans, so you’ll hear him mention that.
Watch the video and it’s over to you…
— Lori
Lori Allen
Director, Great Escape Publishing


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