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How to Tell if Your Photos Are Saleable

How can you tell if your photos are saleable?
Start by asking yourself:
** Is the subject of my photo in sharp focus?
** Is it properly exposed – not too light but not too dark?
** Is it well composed?
When done right, these three elements make up a saleable photograph.
Later this week, professional photographer Rich Wagner will talk about how you can fix some of these things on your computer to turn an otherwise unsaleable shot into one you can sell.
But there’s one thing your computer can’t fix, and that’s focus.  Get it wrong and your photo is useless.  But make a few changes to your camera and you’ll make sure you get it right every time.
Here’s a quick video tip from Rich on how to set your camera up correctly for proper focus:

And, if you missed yesterday’s video on the difference between snapshots and saleable photographs, you’ll find it here:

Stay tuned tomorrow for more tips on creating saleable photographs!
[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]


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