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12 Or More Markets Where You Can Sell Your Photos: San Antonio Day 3

FREE REPORT SERIES: On-the-ground from San Antonio, Texas
Day 3 here in San Antonio is all about selling.  Attendees are learning how to sell their photos into all kinds of markets — magazines, newspapers, realtors, small businesses… horse shows, online stock-photo agencies, families with newborns and more.
Travel photographer Efrain Padro told a story about pictures and a travel article he sent to a magazine for sale and a rejection letter he received a few weeks later.  Confused about what he had done wrong, he went back through the publication to look for an answer.
He flipped through a few issues and started to notice that the photos seemed much more prominent and important than the writing, so he tried again. Same article. Same photo.  But this time, when he emailed the editor to pitch his story idea, he led with the photo instead of the story.  And the editor accepted his pitch.
When Theodore Hennessey was hired to create pharmaceutical brochures for people suffering from gastrointestinal problems, neurological issues and anxiety, he quickly realized that finding photos to illustrate these brochures would prove difficult.
I told him I had a room full of photographers with aging parents and the know-how to create images that evoke a certain emotion or tell a story so he joined us here in San Antonio as well.  He gave attendees a list of photos he needs and the emotions he wants them to evoke in hopes that they can fill his need.
And when Niels Johansen relocated from Boca Raton, FL to Miami Beach, he was looking for a steady income from his photography so he wouldn’t have to worry about where his next check would come from.  He found it in real estate photography. So he was here in San Antonio to talk about how he takes architectural shots and how he sells them to clients.
[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]


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