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Photos from My Back Deck

I had a lot of fun taking photos for The Right Way to Travel e-letter last week. We were preparing photo “Play Stations” for next month’s 3-Day Photo Workshop for Beginners, in D.C.
The photos are meant to look like they were taken in a studio. But in reality, they were all taken using nothing but a sheet of white poster board, some strong tape, and good old sunlight — a lot like this set-up on my back deck:

And here’s the photo I got from this set-up which was accepted for sale at Fotolia…

As you can see, it’s not a fancy studio. But it certainly works well.
Here are two more shots I took today in my “poster board, natural-light” studio:

I love this method! It’s so simple. And it’s fun, too.  No lights to worry about.  No heavy equipment.
The entire set-up cost me about 98 cents (of course, the price of poster board differs from drugstore to drugstore).
So this weekend, I challenge you to do the same. Breakfast Stock Club Premium Members will get step-by-step instructions on how to do this as part of their membership next week.
But if you’re not a Premium member, head out with a piece of white poster board, some tape and an object from your kitchen to practice. With a little trial and error, you can get stock quality stock shots literally in your backyard.
[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]
Your Weekly Breakfast Dish
The latest from your Breakfast StockClub Facebook Page
From Kim Wilson: Love it! Images are selling on Shutterstock that were rejected by iStockphoto. Vindication!
From Joy Ciaccio: Hi, thought I would give you a report of what things have been like since I decided to go exclusive at Dreamstime. Generally have been very happy. Uploading is much simpler, obviously. And the bottom line is somewhat better. Over the last 15 months at Dreamstime, I had sold 18 files; since applying for exclusivity at Dreamstime, turning all my photos to exclusive and then getting accepted, I have sold 12 files over the last 30 days. The improvement in search engine placement given to exclusive photographers is significant. Just thought enquiring minds might want to know; I may be only non-instructor exclusive in the “Club.”


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