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Which Photos Sell Best to Online Stock Photo Agencies

Let’s start with one of the most popular types of images:
** 1. Images on white. Images on white are not necessarily images on a pure white background. They are images with bright colors, in a white location, with a clean and bright feeling to them. The words to keep in mind for these images are: Light color, gentle, clear and fresh, bright, pure, and natural.  Here’s an example of an image that’s not necessarily on a pure white background but is still very white and natural…

** 2. Creative and conceptual images. Such images are crazy, original, highly creative, stylized, dynamic, unexpected, fun, story-telling.  The key is: BE UNIQUE.
** 3. Lifestyle images. Lifestyle images are photos of people experiencing life in general. The people in the photos are usually models that you pose in a natural way. You want lifestyle images to look happy, natural, and free, with human interaction. They can include urban city life, healthy living, care-free moments. The key is to capture authentic moments that don’t look posed or forced.
** 4. Business-related images. Business or corporate images are still the biggest sellers in stock photography today. These images have to be realistic if you want them to sell well. Think:  confidence, on the move, determination, aspiration, efficiency, innovation, challenge, teamwork, etc.
** 5. Science- and health-related images. Stock photos in the science or health field must look realistic, with authentic details. If they don’t, they are not going to sell. Keep these words in mind when you shoot science or health images: relationship, trust, courage, hope, bonding, relief, fresh, and clean.
** 6. Health and beauty images. Such images have to be: clean, simple, relaxed, minimalist, and energetic.
** 7. Seasonal images. Consider creating seasonal images at least three months ahead. Most designers need these pictures for their clients months before the event takes place. The most popular themes for seasonal images are: Valentine’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day, Halloween, Christmas, Fall, Spring, Winter, and Summer. More seasonal image themes that sell include: Father’s Day, Thanksgiving, and St Patrick’s Day.
Seasonal images don’t have to be classic or traditional. They can be totally different and original. Both styles are good sellers.
Some other popular stock photo subjects that sell well are: food, landscapes, objects, animals, etc.
If you’re not used to shooting any of these topics, pick a few and practice. The most important thing is for you to find your niche. You will take better photos more often — and be happier doing it — if you are shooting the subject that you feel comfortable shooting. Any of the subjects above are great sellers. Now it’s up to you to find what you want to shoot.
[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]


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