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ATS Paris: Évènement Gratuit Pour Les Annonceurs

With ATS Paris only just over a month away, ExchangeWire is offering free access to French advertiser-side marketers. Mais oui. Évènement gratuit pour les Annonceurs. The line-up for ATS Paris is a melange of local C-level execs and international ad tech superstars. We have keynote speakers from Hi-Media, Weborama, Improve Digital, Google and MediaMath. Panels include the best minds from the European and French digital media and ad tech space. In the interest of expanding the conversation beyond the traiditional technology and media buying bubble, ExchangeWire is throwing the doors open to all advertiser-side marketers (to avoid confusion: this offer is not open to ad networks or agencies) to the full-day conference on October 27. Send your details to info [AT] exchangewire.com for your FREE ticket.


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