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Thailand Dispatch #3: Better people shots

As a travel photographer, it’s a gift to go to a country as beautiful as Thailand and find that the people are friendly… and willing to have their photo taken.
When you get an opportunity like that, you don’t want to mess it up.
Bonnie here, again, coming to you after our Photo Expedition in Thailand with professional photographer Rich Wagner.
In case you ever travel to Thailand, or you meet people who don’t mind having their photo taken, here’s what Rich told us is the number-one way to take better people shots: Get in close.
Think you’re already getting in close? Get in closer.
For example, here’s a photo I took in a hill tribe village outside of Chiang Rai. It felt like I was pretty close when I took this:

But look at the difference when I got closer:

If you’re shy like I am, try doing these things:
** Build a rapport with your subject. Ask if you can take his/her photo, and strike up a conversation. Introduce yourself. Smile. Make a connection.
** Use a zoom lens. That way, you can stand slightly farther away and zoom in for a close-up shot. Somewhere between 80 and 200 millimeters should do it.
** If you like some of the photos you took, show them to your photo subject. Maybe even offer to send a copy to him/her.
Tomorrow, I’ll share yet another simple travel photography tip from Rich that works for ALL of your travel photos.
[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]


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