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Import a Fortune from Home

Let’s talk about lingerie.

In this newsletter, we typically talk about funding your travels with your articles and photos… but this week, I’d like to send you stories from people who are making money a different way.

They’re essentially shopping online for products made in other countries, and they’re importing them back here to the U.S. for big cash.

If you only have a few hours a week (or you’re looking for something you can do to fund a traveling retirement), you can do this one project at a time and earn a few thousand dollars here and a few thousand there.

In fact, in a minute, I’ll tell you how we’re going to guarantee that you make between $2,000 and $3,000 on your first transaction if you want to give it a try for yourself.

And, if you have more time, or you’re looking for an income replacement, I’ll show you how people are turning this opportunity into a real goldmine.

Starting today with Jane Evanov. 

Jane always had a thing for nice lingerie.

But when she got pregnant, ribbons and lace were no longer an option. She looked and looked, but there simply wasn’t any attractive lingerie for pregnant women available in stores.

Jane’s not the kind to give up, so she kept looking until she stumbled upon a strange website she’d never heard of. There it was — exactly what she was looking for — and it was way cheaper than anything she’d seen.

Jane found her lingerie that day… but little did she know she’d also stumbled into a goldmine.

Turns out she wasn’t the only expectant mother looking for something nice to wear. Now Jane sells the specialty lingerie online for a handsome profit.

She makes her own hours. She travels when and where she wants. She is her only boss.

Just think — did you ever look for something you couldn’t find in stores? Have you ever taken a trip and wished you had a different kind of travel bag that just doesn’t seem to exist?

Chances are you’re not the only one looking for that thing. And, you can probably find it being made in another country for dirt-cheap. The trick is knowing where to look.

Make a list with a few ideas tonight, and we’ll talk about how to turn them into profits tomorrow.

[Editor’s Note: Learn more about opportunities to profit from your travels (and even from your own home) in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.]


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