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How One Trip to Egypt Can Lead to a Lifetime of Free Travel

For some reason, I felt called to visit Egypt. There was something about its culture and history that just drew me to it. I spent a year saving the money for my husband and me to go. I hoped the trip would quench my thirst to see the country…but the opposite happened.

Instead, I fell completely in love with Egypt. The sacred sites…the people…the history…the culture—I was hooked.

I started putting a plan together that would allow me to return…not once, but regularly. I would run tours, taking visitors from the U.S. around Egypt. 

My husband Friedemann and I led our first Egypt tour in 2005 and had the journey of a lifetime. I’ll never forget seeing the sun rise during a private visit to the Sphinx. I still remember the feel of the sand underneath my feet, the touch of the sun on my skin, and the quiet laughter and tears of joy from our group at the marvel of being in such an ancient and special place.

Our journey continued by overnight train to Aswan, the gentle rocking bringing us back to a time and space that was much more ancient. Like in biblical times, we awoke to fields of date trees, the rippling Nile, and donkeys and farmers working the land. 

We cruised down the Nile on a small sailing yacht, stopping at all the temples along the way. We enjoyed exclusive visits with plenty of time to marvel at the colorful reliefs. We laughed a lot…ate wonderful food…rode donkeys…camels…and enjoyed learning from our world-renowned Egyptologist. 

That trip was the beginning, but many more visits were to come. Since then, my husband and I have led a group once or twice a year to Egypt, spending three weeks at a time in the country. 

We now offer retreats and tours to other hallowed sites including Southern France where we visit the sacred sites of Mary Magdalene and Isis. Last year, I spent four months in France, three weeks in Egypt, two weeks in Sedona, and 10 days in Maui. From whale-watching, temple-hopping, red-rock-climbing, hiking in Provence…I’ve had plenty of interested people eager for me to help them experience the world. 

I’m having an incredible time sharing the beauty of the world with others and have experienced truly magnificent things. I’m having a blast and feel very fortunate to be able to follow and fund my dreams and help people on a global scale. How does it get any better than this? 

[Editor’s Note: Learn more about opportunities to profit from your travels (and even from your own home) in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.]



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