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Fun, Easy Way to Profit from Your Hobbies

What would you do in this situation?
A South African farmer heard about people discovering diamond mines that made them rich beyond their wildest imagination. So he sold his farm and spent the rest of his life wandering the continent, searching for an undiscovered mine.
He never found one.
Then, one day the man who bought his farm was crossing a small stream on the property when a bright flash of blue and red light caught his eye. It turned out that he’d found one of the largest diamonds ever discovered… and his creek was full of them.
The farm became one of the most productive diamond mines on the entire African continent.
When I hear this story, it makes me think about how many of our readers have everything they need to take a dream trip on someone else’s tab. They just don’t realize it.  They think they need to look elsewhere.
So let me ask you — Do you have a hobby?
John R., a father with two kids living in Kamloops, British Columbia — an area rich in minerals, fossils, and precious stones — loved to dig up fossils. So it was a simple switch for John to turn his hobby into a fossil digging tour. The area was already known for it.
And it wasn’t long before his tours took off — and skyrocketed — reaching, at times, 800 guests per month, 7 days a week, from April through September before he retired.
“But,” said John, “the best part wasn’t the money,” (though his tours brought in sometimes as much as $3,750 in a single day).
“The best part was seeing mothers, fathers, and their children all doing something totally different. Something they had never done before and will always remember.”
So what do you like to do most?
Think about the places you most want to visit.  But don’t rule out the ground right below your feet and the hobbies you already have.
My husband dreams of leading a jiu-jitsu tour in Brazil.  History buffs, however, might prefer to see the Egyptian pyramids, civil war battlefields or sites in Italy or Greece.
Maybe hiking in Switzerland is more your style.  Or snorkeling Australia’s Great Barrier Reef.
Whatever your dream trip, turn it into a “fun biz” by following this very simple plan.
Combine it with your travel writing or photography if you want… or just sit back and enjoy the ride — and the income.
[Editor’s Note: Learn more about opportunities to profit from your travels (and even from your own home) in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.]


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