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Law School Know-How

Getting into law school can be a very arduous task for aspiring students. You need to start as early as your freshman year in high school if you decide that being a lawyer is what you really want to do for the rest of your life.

Do not be misled by the rosy portrayal of a lawyer’s life in TV or in the movies. In real life, lawyers would have 12 to 18 working hours, especially for those who are aspiring to be partners in their respective law firms.

In order to achieve …

law school

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Getting into law school can be a very arduous task for aspiring students. You need to start as early as your freshman year in high school if you decide that being a lawyer is what you really want to do for the rest of your life.

Do not be misled by the rosy portrayal of a lawyer’s life in TV or in the movies. In real life, lawyers would have 12 to 18 working hours, especially for those who are aspiring to be partners in their respective law firms.

In order to achieve your goal, first, you need to have the correct mindset. Here are some tips on how students can realize their lifelong goal of becoming a lawyer:

1. Know what you want, and how to get it.

First, reflect on the reasons why you would like to pursue this career. If you are just looking for the ‘flash’ or recognition of becoming a lawyer, remember that becoming one is sheer hard work. Just like in every profession, you need to give yourself into studying, then working as a lawyer.

You may have this idealistic view as a kid that you want to save the world from the injustices that is why you would like to become a lawyer.

If you find yourself still passionate about this cause, there is no harm in pursuing your dreams.

More importantly, remember that once you decide on taking up law, you need to work very hard as a student.

2. Take off your rose-colored glasses.

You need to understand that not every student who takes up law ends up with a job as a lawyer once they graduate.

You will not necessarily end up as a courtroom hero saving an “innocent criminal” in this field.

You may find yourself dealing with real estate, corporate law, divorce cases, or even drafting up wills.

Prepare yourself for all possibilities because anything could happen.

3. Ask yourself, “Am I competitive enough?”

From the time that you send in your applications, to the time that you take the exam to be a licensed practitioner, there will be competition.

Applications for entry into law schools soar every year. What are your chances of being chosen and accepted as compared to thousands of other applicants?

Check the skills that you have and once you are confident enough that you can get into law school, then you have gone through the first step in achieving your goal.

4. Go to a university which has a record of getting a lot of students into law school.

It is safe to say that if you are a graduate of a school which “produces” a lot of great law students, then this should be a plus factor for you.

There are universities that help the students get into law school by providing mock exams and interviews, and also offer letters of recommendation.

5. Having a good grade-point-average (GPA) is not enough, you need to pass the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) with flying colors.

Maintain your GPA, and make sure that you perform well in the LSAT’s. There are web sites where you can take practice tests at a certain cost. You may also enroll in a course that aims to prepare you for this particular exam.

6. Be an early bird.

Once you have decided on entering law school, make sure that you submit your applications way before the deadline. This should give you ample time to prepare.

Finally, you need to organize your letter of recommendations, transcripts and all the paperworks that you will need to get in.

You may seek the advice of a consultant, undergraduates or lawyers who have already passed the stage that you are now going through as a hopeful law school student.

If you combine hard work with determination and you prepare everything in advance, you will surely gain entrance to the prestigious law school of your choice.


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