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Get-Started Tip: Where to Submit Stock Photos

In rock climbing, getting off the ground is often the hardest part.
After committing to that first move and pulling your feet up off of the dirt, you pick up momentum. You get into a rhythm. And it gets easier.
With stock photography, it’s kind of the same thing.
Getting started is the biggest hurdle. Once you pull yourself up off the ground — that is, get accepted as a contributor to a stock site — you’re free to take off upward.
Of course, you’ll continue learning from there. It doesn’t happen on its own. But it does get easier.
Last week, when I asked you what’s one thing you wish you knew more about stock, a lot of people said: Everything!!
Here are some other things I learned about BSC readers who answered my survey:

  • About 42% have applied to be a contributor at a stock photo agency
  • About 29% got accepted into at least one agency

The agencies where most people are getting photos accepted are, in order:
1.    Bigstock – over 26%
2.    Fotolia – over 19%
3.    Dreamstime – over 17%
What readers want to know more about stock:

  • The best agencies for beginners
  • What kinds of images stock agencies need right now
  • Simple explanations of the technicals (what gets a photo rejected)
  • Photo protection and copyright issues
  • Processing – and how much is too much
  • Everything!

While I can’t tell you everything, I can help you make that first move up. So over the next few weeks, I’ll send you some step-by-step get-started basics, starting today with…
Step 1: Get to know a few stock agencies
If you want to know what’s selling in stock, it’s a good idea to scope out some stock agencies.
Most stock photo sites have a “how to sell stock photos” section on their website with instructions, requirements, and tips.
According to my BSC reader survey last week, the agencies where BSC readers are getting accepted the most are:

  • Bigstock
  • Fotolia
  • Dreamstime

Each of these sites has a contributor guide page. Start by going there and reading through the requirements. You can also sign up or register for an account at each without going through the application process. Go ahead and do so — it’s free — and you’ll have one less thing to do when you apply.
Bigstock contributor info page
Fotolia contributor info page
Dreamstime contributor info page
Once you do that, you’ll have a much better idea of what stock agencies are looking for.
I also recommend reading the iStock training manual (even if you don’t apply there) which covers the basics. (Keep clicking “next” at the bottom of the page for more.)
Breakfast Stock Club Premium Members — I’ve put a summary of requirements and tips for getting started in each of these three agencies up on your member page at MyTravelPrograms.com.
Next week we’ll talk about what stock photo buyers want… current trends… and the kinds of stock photos that sell.
Until next time!
Your Weekly Breakfast Dish
The latest from your Breakfast StockClub Facebook Page

More BSC-ers are sending photos in and getting accepted. I can’t help feeling proud of everyone — we’re really doing it!
Bruce Bidinoff: I have 4 images on Bigstock. A bit of an ego boost!
Linda Camilletti: I have worked really hard to get some of my photos accepted into iStock and now have quite a few. What really surprised me was about a year ago I signed up with BigStock and they accepted about nine photos and I never checked back with them until now and I had a $3.50 credit. I guess I can say now I can go to MD’s and get a breakfast sandwich. Yippy. I really had thought about only focusing on one stock company but maybe now I will go to some others. :-)))
And we had some great comments about our Breakfast Stock Club Premium Challenge – Textures and Patterns.
From Joy Ciaccio: Bonnie I thought you might like a progress report on how premium members fared with the goal of increasing the size of their portfolios: I added and uploaded 11 backgrounds/textures as a result of the challenge to where I upload to. Canstock took all 11, and Bigstock, Dreamstime, Fotolia took somewhat less, but all in all, a success to my mind…
From Joe Swick: Just reviewed Lise’s points, and Shelly’s video. Great job. Good comments. and BTW: Some great stock photos.
[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]


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