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Whither The Media Plan: Nigel Gilbert Gives His Perspective On The Changing Display Landscape

It’s been a while since I pounded the mean streets around Noho and Holborn looking for media cash from the agencies. I had the best UK IPs from US networks and publishers in town? Targeting? What are you talking about? It’s all about context and environment. This is brand. IASH approved? IASH? Yes, the inventory is post-IASH. We don’t need labels to confirm how premium this inventory is. Quality. Ahh, the media plan! How I missed you. But it will be around in three years. Will all the buying be done through a DSP/ATD Bloomberg-like terminal with external supply plugged in. Reality? Or pure and utter marginal blogger fiction? It’s such a HUGE issue that ATS London has devoted a whole panel on it. Here Nigel Gilbert, Head of Orange Ad Market, who is due to sit on the panel, discusses the chances of survival for the humble media plan and how media spend will be allocated over the coming years.

And that panel in full…

Zuzanna Gierlinska, Director Microsoft Media Network, EMEA

Zuzanna is responsible for delivering Microsofts “Scaled Display” strategy, evangelizing the capabilities of the Microsoft Media Network and Microsoft Advertising Exchange driving revenue share and growth across the EMEA markets. Her role encompases overseeing sales, marketing and product development, acting as a pivitol point of feedback betweek the customer and Microsoft’s many Business Groups.
Zuzanna’s career began in digital media and over 12 years she’s worked across a multitude of both start-up and established business from ISPs and Portals to an online auction house and an internet retailer before joining Media Brokers, the UK’s 1st media network, in 2004. She stayed with this company running the sales division as it evolved into DRIVEpm and eventually joined Microsoft under the aQuantive acquisition in July 2008.
Zuzanna is a recognised industry expert on audience targeting and is this year’s vice-chair of the IAB’s Behaviour Targeting Council. She is a frequent and highly competant media commentator drawing upon her extensive experience and impressive insight to help shine a light on the fast paced and dynamic digital marketplace. Her consumate ability to educate businesses has led her to become one of Microsoft’s most visable industry evangelists.

Marco Bertozzi, Managing Director EMEA, Vivaki Nerve Center

Marco Bertozzi started his career in TV, moving into digital in 2000. A founding member of Zenith Interactive Solutions, Zenith’s then digital arm, he enjoyed the highs and lows of the digital revolution, leaving Zed in 2005 as Commercial Director. After a couple of years as Marketing Director for ZenithOptimedia Marco moved to Head of Digital for the agency in 2007. A change of scene in 2008 saw him heading off to run media, web dev, digital and Creative at TMP Worldwide. Currently Managing Director of The VivaKi Nerve Center, EMEA, the future facing digital entity at VivaKi, where one of the core tasks is leading the strategy for Ad Exchange trading across the VivaKi agencies including Zenithoptimedia, SMG and Razorfish.

Brandon Keenen, Director, Head of Sales AOL (UK), AOL

After working his way through various disciplines of online advertising at AOL from search, affiliate, publisher network and now display sales, Brandon Keenen is currently the UK Sales Director for AOL Advertising and Advertising.com. Managing and directing a team of leaders across creative solutions, account management, agency, client sales and publishers. As part of the European team, Brandon helped get the business back to profitability by bringing the advertising.com network back to the forefront of the advertising space. Keenen originally worked as an entrepreneur in the financial lead generation space – where and his business partner successfully built a business with a turnover of £80 million.

Martin Kelly, Managing Partner, Infectious Media Ltd

Martin Kelly is the co-founder and managing partner of Infectious Media, the intelligent online display specialist. Infectious Media combines advanced analytics with proprietary targeting and optimisation tools to power efficient real-time online display advertising across Europe and was recently voted by The Telegraph and Techcrunch as one of the Top 100 European Tech Start-ups in 2011. Martin started his career as a press planner and buyer at Zenith Media before becoming a founding member of Zenith Interactive Solutions in 2000. Prior to founding Infectious Media, Martin was Board Media Director of Agency Republic, an Omnicom agency, and has been voted as one of the UK’s top digital media planners by Campaign Magazine.

Gurman Hundal, Co-Founder, Media iQ Digital

Prior to launching Media iQ, Gurman set-up the online ad network, A&NY Media, for the large publishing group Associated Northcliffe Media. From when he joined in 2007 till present, the A&NY Media network was a major catalyst in positioning Associated as the most advanced online UK publisher, boasting a robust technology infrastructure and a highly impressive client retention rate. The network quickly became a central resource for the publishing house, spreading digital to various on and offline divisions throughout the group.

Nigel Gilbert, Chief development Officer, Unanimis/ Head of Orange Ad Market

Nigel has been working in the digital industry for over 10 years. As a founding partner of Unanimis, Nigel has established Unanimis as a successful buying point among all the major UK media agencies. He looks after all areas of UK market coverage across all divisions of the company. He also played a key role in launching Orange’s Ad Exchange (Orange Ad Market) in the UK which he now heads up. Prior to Unanimis he worked at Excite.co.uk and then moved on to become the first sales person at Ask Jeeves, launching it into the UK market.


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