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Stock Photo Sales Boosters: The Thumbnail Secret

Here’s a stock photo sales secret we’ve never talked about before…
Start by putting yourself in a stock photo buyer’s shoes.
First, you’d go to a stock photo website.
Next, you’d type in a search term and hit “search.”
Now, what’s the first thing you’d see?

Thumbnails. Lots of tiny thumbnails.
With all of the fuss I make about viewing your photos at 100% (which you should definitely do, and here’s how), you may not even consider what your photo looks like as a thumbnail.
But you should. Because the very first time a buyer sees your photo, they’re going to see it as a tiny thumbnail, somewhere in a page of other tiny thumbnails.
So, when you’re processing your photos and selecting which ones to upload to an agency, DEFINITELY view them at 100%. But also view them at thumbnail size to see which ones stand out the most at a small size.
This also helps you see if the colors in the photo are bright and saturated enough to grab attention in a thumbnail size.
Getting your photos accepted into an agency is AWESOME. But it does nothing for your pocketbook unless those photos sell. So, over the next few weeks, I’d like to talk about some more tricks to make your photos SELL.
Let’s build that passive income stream so we can go do other fun things, like travel and take more PHOTOS!!
[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]


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